A Safe Home for Every Person

All of us need a safe home. Here we explore what that means and how we can improve the the safety of our own home, neighborhood, and world.
Homes around the world

When I first began to ponder the reality of a safe home for every person, I set up a Pinterest account and began pinning all kinds of homes people live in around the world. Homes are as unique as the people who create them, the environment they live in, and the materials they have available to build them.

I noticed in some communities people join together to build homes. A home can also become an artistic expression that conveys the spirit of those who live there.

I began to appreciate how unique and diverse we are.

How others engage

Every community faces challenges so I began another page that explores how different people and communities address the needs they face in their area. There are many creative projects that people align with to improve the living environment in their neighborhood.

What I learned is there is no one solution to every problem. This is not a cookie cutter approach but again, a diverse and unique expression of the people in that area.

Improve the lives of others

We found that we can invest in people through micro loans that make a lasting impact on their quality of life. At Jasnia® we contribute a portion of our income to improve people’s homes, help with education expenses, support small businesses to raise the level of family incomes, and help farmers buy livestock and grain to increase local food production.

Together we are making a difference.

Support A Safe Home for Every Person
New Story: Ending homelessness together

A young group of founders started this non-profit organization in 2014 to address the problem of homelessness which they report affects more than 400 million families globally.

They look for innovative technologies for building and form partnerships with various groups to accomplish their goals for safe homes for families. They build new homes in communities where homes are patched together with scrap metal and tarps to make homes that are temporary at best. Safe water is hard to find resulting in frequent sickness.

Jasnia® has supported New Story for several years now. Thank you for supporting us so we can bring new hope to these families. We started a campaign to raise finances for one new home. The beginning of a new story for one family.

Join us in financing our first new home.

Value people

Honor, respect and cherish yourself and others. Invest in people with your time and whatever you have.


Educate yourself and seek wise teachers. What you learn opens opportunities to provide income for you to live in a safe home.


As you choose to live in love instead of fear, doors will open to understanding how to nurture goodwill in your neighborhood.

Drink clean water

Clean water is as important as clean air. According to WorldOMeters 1 out of every 10 persons does not have access to safe drinking water.

Stop waterborn illness

Provide Micro Loans

We partner with you to provide micro loans that finance home repairs, education, agriculture and small business. We work with an organization called Kiva.

See the faces of people we have supported together.

New Story Homes

Ending homelessness sounds impossible, but it is not. You support ending homelessness directly when you use rental services by Jasnia®. A portion of all our profits goes to funding this cause.

Align with Values

Jasnia® aligns with the values of New Story Homes as they provide micro loans to help unbanked and low income families so they can live with dignity. In paying back their micro loans, they contribute to ending homelessness for others.
