Renter Prequalification

Prequalify with rental criteriaBecome familiar with standard rental criteria so you can be confident in your rent qualifications.

We provide a summary of the rental criteria on this page and a comprehensive explanation in our Renter Edu. Use the rent calculator to determine your financial qualifications.

Fix problems that you can in your qualifications. Talk with prospective landlords to see if there are ways to reduce their risk. When your qualifications match or exceed the rental criteria for a property you gain trust.

If you follow these steps you will save time, money and avoid frustration by applying for rentals that fit your current qualifications. Make improvements in your qualifications over time.

We do not guarantee a landlord will rent to you, but you will have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in your qualifications.

Rental Criteria

Learn the basics on rental criteria landlords and property managers use to evaluate rental applications.

1. Household Income

2. Employment History

3. Credit Score

4. Rental History

5. Criminal Background

6. Pets

7. Insufficient Income, Credit, or History

8. Automatic Denial

Proceed to the Rent Calculator for your next step.

Renter Edu – Get a more in-depth discussion of the rental criteria, how to review your existing credit report for free, and how to dispute errors on your credit report. We ask you to register, it’s free.

Rent Calculator

Household Income / Rent shows the rent you can afford with your monthly household income. This estimate is accurate if you have little or no monthly debt payments.
Rent / Household Income shows the minimum household income you need for a monthly rent payment. This estimate is accurate if you have little or no monthly debt payments.
Household Income & Debt / Rent shows the maximum rent payment you qualify for based on your income and debt levels. Use this calculator for a more accurate rent qualification.
We value your feedback. You can call us at 406-245-0221 or send it to us in an email.
Renter Prequalification and Rent Calculator provided by Jasnia®

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