District of Columbia Affordable Communities to Rent

Legend for Rent/Income ratios
*Low Vacancy 28% or less 29-30% 31‑32% 33‑34% 35% or more

2023 Median Rent to Income by Communities in District of Columbia

We have organized the results by most affordable communities regardless of size. You can compare the cost of living along with availability of housing and employment in each community. Conditions may change in the economy and housing market of a local community since the census data we use is from the latest five year community survey from 2023. Use the information for ideas on where to look and investigate further for communities in District of Columbia that maybe of interest to you. We are showing you monthly figures for median rent to renters median household income.
*We do not display counties where the vacancy rate is below 1.5% or in very few cases where renter household income is not available.

2023 United States Median Rent

LocationMonthly RentHousehold IncomeRent / IncomeVacancy**2023 Unemployment
United States$1,348$4,28331.5%5.5%3.6%
Source: US Census Bureau - ACS 5 Yr 2023
**Bureau of Labor Statistics - Annual Unemployment Average for 2023

2023 District of Columbia Median Rent

LocationMonthly RentHousehold IncomeRent / IncomeVacancy**2023 Unemployment
District of Columbia$1,900$6,22430.5%6.8%4.9%
Source: US Census Bureau - ACS 5 Yr 2023
**Bureau of Labor Statistics - Annual Unemployment Average for 2023

Communities in District of Columbia

RankStateCountyPopulation Monthly RentHousehold
Rent /
Source: US Census Bureau - ACS 5 Yr 2023
**Bureau of Labor Statistics - Annual Unemployment Average for 2023

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